Machsheves HaRambam is a bi-weekly publication designed to make learning the daily Rambam accessible and understandable for everyone
This unique publication combines two previously released editions of Rambam study, each offering a different perspective:
The Machsheves HaRambam project was created with the understanding that these two works complement each other. Thus each page includes a Rambam Hamevuar section with explanation of the Rambam’s text and also includes the Rebbe’s insights from Pardes HaMelech.
The publication follows the “Three Chapters” learning track, with 42 chapters for a two-week study cycle. The first issue was released for Parshat Bereshit, 5785, and future editions will be published every two weeks.
New! Starting in Kislev, we will also be releasing booklets for the “One Chapter a Day” track. This version includes 42 chapters, designed for a six-week learning cycle.
Machsheves HaRambam will be distributed free of charge in thousands of synagogues worldwide and will be made available for free online download. We also offer subscription for home delivered booklets.
Our mission is to spread the Rebbe’s call to study the Rambam to new communities, making this important learning accessible to all.
We are confident that Machsheves HaRambam will play an important role in fulfilling the Rebbe’s directive to study the Rambam and in transmitting the Rebbes’ profound explanations on the 14 books of the Rambam.
May it be Hashem’s will that through this effort, we will merit the fulfillment of the Rebbe’s promise: “With the Rambam, we will march toward the coming of Mashiach Tzidkeinu.”
קבל את גליונות מחשבת הרמב"ם במשלוח עד הבית. סה"כ 26 גליונות.
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By subscribing, you will automatically be charged for a 12-month period.