Accessibility statement

The accessibility statement was updated on 20/11/2024

We at Machseves Harambam, work hard to make our website accessible to people with disabilities in order to promote equal rights and transparency towards people with disabilities.

An alternative to answering the phone
People who have difficulty talking on the phone, can contact to coordinate a meeting and assistance by WhatsApp message to the number +972506555862, or to the email

The essence of an accessible website
An accessible website is a website that allows a person with a disability to surf it with the same level of efficiency and enjoyment as other surfers, using the capabilities of the system it operates on and through technologies that help accessibility.

The website of Machseves Harambam

Below are some of the operations carried out as part of making the Machseves Harambam website accessible:
• Installing an accessibility plugin that allows keyboard navigation, font size, inverting colors and more.
• The contents of the website are written in simple and clear language
• The navigation on the site is simple and convenient to use

Accessibility disclaimer

It should be noted that despite our efforts to make the website accessible, there may be parts of the website that are not accessible.
We continue our efforts to improve the accessibility of the website as part of our commitment to enable its use by the entire population, including people with disabilities.

Ways of addressing requests, accessibility problems and suggestions for improvement:
If you find an accessibility problem on the website or if you need help, you are welcome to contact us at +972506555862 or at

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