News and updates from
Machasheves Harambam

חדשות מחשבת הרמבם

Sunday, 9th of Cheshvan

Rabbi Elitov delivered a special Shiur on the Rambam to the students of the Zal in Montreal, alongside the Rosh yeshivah, Rabbi Kaplan, Shlita. During the Shiur, there was a deep discussion about the commitment of the Bochurim to learning the teachings of the Rebbe and sharing them.

Wednesday, 5th of Cheshvan

Rabbi Meir Elitov visited Yeshiva Gedola Toronto and delivered a special shiur on the Rebbe’s extraordinary explanation in Likkutei Sichos, regarding the 59 instances in Shas where Rav Meir is referred to as “Acharim” — exploring why he is specifically called this in each case. In honor of 5 Tevet, a book will be published providing an in-depth analysis of all 59 occurrences.
שיעור של רבי אליטוב

Tuesday, 12th of Cheshvan

After his visit to Chabad girls’ institutions, Rabbi Ellituv promised to consider the publication of an additional booklet for the study of the Sefer Hamitzvot cycle specifically for women, including all of the Rebbe’s commentaries on the Sefer Hamitzvot.
גליונות מחשבת הרמבם

Friday, 7th of Cheshvan

The second Machsheves Harambam booklet for the Three Chapters (Shloshah Prakim) track has been launched and is now available for free download! The booklet contains two weeks of study material.
גליונות מחשבת הרמבם

Sunday, 9th of Cheshvan

Today, our editorial team finalized the plans to publish an additional track of Machsheves HaRambam designed for the “One Chapter a Day” (Perek Echad) study program.
שיעור של הרב אליטוב

Monday, 11th of Cheshvan

As part of the campaign to promote studying the Rambam with the Rebbe’s commentaries, Rabbi Meir Ellituv, Chief Editor of Machsheves HaRambam, visited yeshivos and seminars in Toronto and Montreal. He spoke with students about the importance of learning the newly released booklet and integrating the Rebbe’s insights into their study of the Rambam.

גיליון מודפס (3 פרקים ליום)

קבל את גליונות מחשבת הרמב"ם במשלוח עד הבית. סה"כ 26 גליונות.

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