The revolution of the Rambam
in the Rebbe′s Teachings

פירוש הרבי על הרמבם

Among the vast teachings of the Rebbe, there is a special place for his explanations on the Rambam. Scattered in his hundreds of Seforim are over two thousand explanations, in his sichos & correspondences which were written continuously over more than sixty years! Right from his youth and throughout his entire period of leadership.

The Rebbe’s profound mastery of every halacha in the Rambam’s works, along with his passionate dedication to bringing these teachings to life, makes it clear that the Rebbe did not approach the Rambam’s writings as an abstract intellectual exercise. Rather, the Rebbe lived with the Rambam’s teachings in a deeply personal, dynamic, and transformative way.

The Rebbe examines not only the teaching but also to the teacher, not only to the Halachah but also to the one who said it. For him, the Rambam’s words were not just principles of law; they shaped his worldview and guided his every action.

To truly grasp the centrality of the Rambam in the Rebbe’s teachings is to understand the depth of the personal love he had for the Rambam and the profound reverence and devotion he held for his wisdom. No law was too complex to explore and none was too trivial for the Rebbe to engage with thoughtfully. He took great care to illuminate even the most minor details, revealing a deep and intentional understanding in every aspect of the Rambam’s teachings.

For instance, the Rebbe often explored the Pesukim in the Rambam’s introduction to his works, as well as the moral lessons that the Rambam included at the end of each of his books. The Rebbe also addressed other seemingly peripheral matters—such as the year in which the Rambam wrote his works, his place of residence, the hand-drawn depiction of the menorah, his signature, and even the inscription on his headstone — all with great care and attention.

The Rebbe’s institution of the daily study of the Rambam is widely known and has become a hallmark of the Chabad movement. Many view this initiative as a means to promote a well-rounded, even if only superficial, understanding of the Rambam’s teachings. That said, few fully grasp the profound depth of the Rebbe’s engagement with the Rambam’s works. Even fewer are aware of the true impact and far reach of his abundant chiddushim which he shared at farbrengens and letters through over two thousand explanations on the Halachos in the Yad HaChazakah, Pirush HaMishnayot, Sefer HaMitzvot, and Moreh Nevuchim (Guide for the Perplexed).

These teachings have been compiled and typeset in the sefer Pardes Hamelech, a remarkable work that brings a unique and far-reaching contribution to the Jewish bookshelf. Pardes HaMelech elevates the learner to new heights, delving deeply into the profound depths of the Rambam’s laws and teachings. The Rebbe’s insights transform the study of the Rambam into a comprehensive experience, integrating not only legal and philosophical dimensions but also Kabbalah, Musar, and Emunah. This holistic approach turns the Rambam’s works into a vibrant, multifaceted exploration that resonates on every level and satisfies every interest, offering timeless wisdom and guidance for both the intellect and the heart.

May it be Hashem’s will that through this effort, we will merit the fulfillment of the Rebbe’s promise: “With the Rambam, we will march toward the coming of Mashiach Tzidkeinu.”

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